Information + human context.
Michael Thompson as Information for Humans helps companies create reliable, understandable information. With over 25 years of experience as an effective project and team manager, he is a seasoned provider of quality information controls, governance, and presentation for clients and the broader community.
His experience includes:
Designing and implementing controls, automation, roles, and culture that delivers more reliable, understandable data
Organizing structured and unstructured information to aid reference and decisions
Translating business objectives and audience requirements into data and software requirements
Helping executives use perspectives and discoveries from information to achieve major changes in their culture and process
Designing web-based, print and other trans-media communications, including information graphics, data display and process/product diagrams
Michael has helped clients:
Become efficient, confident users of data for reporting and analytics
Organize and make sense of unstructured or poorly structured information
Save time and money while designing information technology solutions for displaying, communicating and using information
Create a deeper connection with their audience or customers
For example, Michael has helped:
A premiere global bank improve how and where it operates by creating more reliable, understandable location and workforce information
A government agency explain the value of its services to taxpaying constituents
A research institute explain the importance and implications of a policy issue
A clinician explain the results of otherwise complicated, technical genetics testing
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